Monday, September 1, 2008

Do Conservatives Believe in Their Own Values?

I've been hearing in the news, today, that noone can fault Sarah Palin for her daughter Bristol's pregnancy. I thought she was supposed to be a leader. I thought she was tough. I thought she had the right ideas about how the country should be run. No, she's none of that. She can't keep her own house in order. She can't even impart her values on her own daughter, nonetheless the American public. What would make me excited about a woman that purports teaching abstinence only education, but has a pregnant 17 year old? I was under the impression that we still had SOME control over a minor still living in our homes.

This brings me to the question of just how much conservatives believe in their own values. We saw so many conservative politicians get caught in gay sex scandals last year, I don't even want to name them all. But if you want to read about a few of them check out the top 5 on

Is their whole platform a ruse that appeals them to the bible thumpers of America? Have they decided to become the "moral" party only to appease people that actually have morals, while living private lives that don't reflect the rhetoric? Remember the Michael McManus story? He was the author that got caught taking a five fiure sum of money to promote marriage, in 2005, for the Bush campaign. Do they know no limits?

It seems to me, that until liberals start calling out these conservatives on they're deceptive tactics they will continue to mislead and miscreate. I would like to know if we could get a class action theft by deception suit against conservatives. They stole my money for a war that was sold as being about terror. When actually, Bush has just been trying to get his father's One World Order agenda furthered. They've taken away my way of life and freedoms by telling me they need to take my freedom so that I keep my freedoms and liberties - go figure that. They can listen to my phone calls and review my emails under the guise of protecting the country from terrorism. Yet, local police use it to boost their incarceration statistics. Many national security experts agree that rules like the Patriot Act have limited effect and should be re-thought.

"…the Patriot Act was enacted in an environment where
there was virtually no discussion or careful scrutiny.
Maybe there shouldn't have been because we needed
to act quickly. But now we have the time and room for
thought about what we need in the post-9/11 world."

- Stephen Schulhofer
national security expert at New York University School of Law

I have to say, without hyperbole, that the conservative agenda has completely changed our way of life - negatively. And since it was all done under false pretense, then I want to get restitiution. I am truly disappointed in the GOP, the Libertarians, the Evangelicals, and anyone else of their ilk. I think they should pay or be punished for the degradation of the lives of good moderates and liberals such as myself.